This semester with Julian Sabin and Jake Stodola, we created a food hub and destination in the thriving Las Vegas metropolitan area.
The metropolitan area of Las Vegas is home to more than 2 million residences excluding tourists. This leaves a huge market for restaurants, grocery stores, entertainment & other businesses. Thrive has the opportunity to enter this market in effort to eliminate hunger by improving food security.
Thrive is located on North Casino Center Boulevard & Stewart Avenue, minutes away from Zappos headquarters & Freemont Street. Interstate 95 is located north of Thrive granting opportunities for advertising, accessibility of guests, distributers, & farmers while giving an eye catching landmark for by passing traffic.
When choosing the location for Thrive, we found the relationship to Freemont Street to be a huge plus. With hundreds of people already experiencing Freemont, all we needed to do was drag their attention a few blocks north towards the Mob Museum. Being next to a museum allows us to have a diverse crowd, families, children, young adults, adults & the elderly all have a space to enjoy at Thrive outside of the busy casino scene. We wanted to create a space unique from the expected Las Vegas development. Comfortability of our site is important to ensure each person enjoys themselves. The western sun is blocked by large Omega Gardens & palm trees. The Omega Gardens also block sound from the busy interstate. Since the site is located in the heart of the desert, Las Vegas allows us to eliminate borders of outside versus inside- we used large garage doors to blur the line of inside vs outside to encourage visitors to stop seeing the spaces separately.
The Farmers Market
the Cafe market
Image by Julian Sabin
roof top night scene
Image by Julian Sabin